วันศุกร์, กรกฎาคม 09, 2547

วันก่อนถามว่าอาจารย์ Robert(Advisor) เกี่ยวกับเรื่องใช้ Memphis tool เพราะว่าลองเอา code มา compile แล้วไม่ work

| I'd tried some examples(in an example directory with in tar ball) of this
| tool,then some it didn't work.

Apart from the one that wants something called gentle installed (which I
don't have), they all work for me - the only change I needed to make was
to stick "./" in front of the executable that were run as the last line of
each of the build scripts (which I also could have done by adding "." into
my PATH variable in the shell, but I prefer not to do that).

แต่แค่ลองเปลี่ยน compiler จาก gcc เป็น g++ ก็เห็น work ดี (เฉพาะบางอัน)
| Ps. I've just changed gcc to g++ some of them would work.

I didn't need to do that.

However, I don't think you should waste any more time on this, I don't think
it is either needed, nor very useful, for your project, nothing that you're
doing (apart from parsing the config language, which yacc/bison will help
with) is so complicated that it needs any special tools (well, once everything
else is done, perhaps something to assist with generating nice output
report formats, web page graphs, or whatever, but that is a long way away
yet, and not essential anyway).

If you aren't sure that you can handle programming the data structures,
then this is a good time to learn, and practice - there is nothing very
complicated required.
